DonTrump's and Google's, responsability on public economic results

We are proposing to enlarge our whole economic space and upgrading the Classic Economy, which is limited within three practices :

1º Results of consumption actions = Personal Rc your performance in your economic  mix which have to be accounted as a parcel for the total of our Classic Economy ;

2º Results of savings actions = Personal Rs your performance in your economic  mix which have to be accounted as a parcel for the total of our Classic Economy ; ;

3º Results of investment actions = Personal Ri your performance  in your economic  mix whic have to be accounted as a parcel for the total of our Classic Economy ;

It means that by these days the whole result of our Classic Economy is limited at the sum Rc + Rs + Ri. And here we are going to increase it. Proposing to you, to Google and to President Obama and US Admnistration, the inclusion of a fourth economic practice :

4º Results of datevaluation actions = Personal Rd your performance  in your economic  mix whic have to be accounted as a parcel for the total of our Classic Economy giving it a new amount and upgrading into Economy 4G3W. Author FilipeAlvesFerreira.

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Este obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 3.0 Unported.



The Classic Economy have to be upgraded, by giving folks the cash opportunity of the free use of a one-click-motor-for-savings for the personalized creation of digital objects - owndated webquantums - which are one or a set of parcels for each owner of personalized-webliving-savings.

The thing is an upgrade into Economy 4G3W, adding the use of the datevaluation practice as another option with the other 3 economic practices, consumption-savings-investment. In fact, datevaluation is the financial act proposed as investment's substitute presented at the protocol or agreement Obamadepending / Googledepending.

Yes because it's time to download a financial-Android-App as for savings helper. Google have to supply the infrastructure for the Nexus-Financial-Day-Cash-Results at 12:00 New York local time, and US Admnistration have to supply the regulation for the kick-off.

Licencia de Creative Commons
Proposant le démarrage de l'Economie 4G3W by datevaluation practice is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 3.0 Unported License.
Creado a partir de la obra en https://sites.google.com/site/economie4g3w/.


Financial power to the people delivering dynamic savings ability

Internet and social media has given every person the power to interact in individual actions, also in economic therms.
And using and creating tools, devices and apps we feel needs and wants to change the World. So more and more we ask our politics, laws and extended admnistrations for freedom on new productions for human wellbeing.

Reasons to invoke "Obamadepending" or "Googledepending" challenging both for technics structure and regulations to go with our Authoring to achieve our solutions in economic apps. By Biophone-AndroïdG-Financial the new "B.A.F.".

Like our propose of the creation of a financial part in digital economy it means the "Gool-Bama-Cash" solution using personal bots for individual creations of "Webliving-Dynamic-Savings" giving to folks the ability to use their financial power in direct connection with the FED and the "Universocial Sovereign Anchor" as unique harbour for "linking money-to-money". Have a look :


Research Fundind and Economist Debats

Gool-Bama-Cash is for your wellbeing
Dear Sir,
With the upgraded Economy 4G3W, folks are enabled for datevaluation in cash-over-cash production at the Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor linking money-at-money and creating their Personalized-Webliving-Savings.In these near futur when "bid heads" accept that "datevaluation is the solution for the ending Classic Economy, folks are "tagvaporating" theirs orders about the fixed uses for their parcels of capital in "owndated webquantums" runnin the Web.
It means that my opinion we have to shif assets from "debit/credit" into "property web registered asset". And "capital pumps" flux have to be :
That's the "Gool-Bama-Cash" financial recipe. Because Economy 4G3W is for universocial wellbeing.
Thank you


Mariano Rajoy, G-20 & AngelaMerkel/Obama

Once again big-heads are invited to work together at G20 walking for :
1. Economic stabilization and structural reforms ;

2. Strengthening the financial system ;
3. Improving the international financial architecture in an interconnected world ;
4. Enhancing food security ;
5. Promoting sustainable development.

And for the first time, Mariano Rajoy (President of Spain's Government) is looking for solutions. Well, where is #Googledepending representatives ?

At this G20  summit Angela Merkel, Mariano Rajoy and Obama have again the opportunity to present the adoption of Gool-Bama-Cash financial recipe Enlarging by datevaluation practice.

Without datevaluation solution, the ending Classic Economy is giving more and more bad news :


Why Obama and Rajoy have to deal

Because Rajoy is near of understanding of the end of the Classic Economy without datevaluation upgrade, giving folks the opportunity to make capital gains by personal webcashmotor. 

A financial device for folks because Angela Merkel prefers to use European Central Bank in old standards.

In fact we need a new way to reach wealth. For universocial wellbeing.

Barak Obama is thinking about his Financial Act and Mariano Rajoy need to deal with the creation of Personalized-Webliving-Savings.

Both they have the power for launching Universocial Cash Economy.

Author in Economy 4G3W


Stir in the market is not the solution

When you see published by CNNMoney...
"European markets are sharply higher today with shares in Germany leading the region. The DAX is up 4.79% while France's CAC 40 is up 3.78% and London's FTSE 100 is up 3.09%."... you may be sure that somewhere you have to find things like ..."World's central banks act to ease market strains" ....

Well, politicians and central banks have to do some thing to look for solution and try to resolve the tired old Classic Economy. The problem is that with just three degrees of liberty to act it is not possible to go on.

And when you touch the Market by government orders, you may be sure that in the near future bad things are coming up.

Because to resolve you have  to give folks one free and personal webcashmotor for linking money-to-money by datevaluation giving to each one the opportunity to get much-more-money with personalized-webliving-savings.

World's central banks have to act with FED, by Obamadepending and Googledepending joint forces in order to implement Gool-Bama-Cash financial recipe. The only solution.

Central Banks Websites



Making a value added function instead of an interest rate system

When you make a datevaluation by linking one or more money parcels at U_S_A The Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor you get a started added value process over each of yours parcels of Personalized-Webliving-Savings = Yours Owndated Webquantum properties. In Economy 4G3W we call webcashmatic plusvalues, because all is allways running in cash phasis. The cashkeeping mode.

To make an added value function you use a TimeStampBot for web date yours OW creations, orders and all needs for the accounting of your dynamic webcashaccount.

Because the fun-d-mentals of your webcashmatic plusvalues are the timestock collected by each of yours Owndated Webquantums.  As the time go. Because, for economics, it is not the same, make savings now, or save the same amount of money at another latter moment. Earlier is much more hard and you have to deal much more added value. At TOM The Timestock-Owndated-Market.


Can you imagine Google as a part of Federal Reserve System

Yes because it's now possible to create infinite wealth for folks wellbeing. And why not a deal between great persons like Barak Obama and Larry Page ? To achieve folks wellbeing. Can you imagine ?

First of all apply nose and smell. W3C egovernment.

Then think about your needs and wants.

To resolve you need something like live-savings for your cash results.Like a botcash value. For your wellbeing.

That's why an agreement as proposed above could open datevaluation practice for people. Upgrading from Classic Economy enlarging for new financial ressources spaces in Economy 4G3W.


How to resolve what Obama would like to achieve ?

First of all have a look at U.S. National Debt :

OCC official seal
And at OCC Office of the Comptroller of the Currency :

To resolve we  are asking President Obama to invite FED/US Admnistration and Google for an agreement in order to launch a new economic practice, the money datevaluation practice which folks understand as a Gool-Bama-Cash practice to better perform  the ending Classic Economy. Going to Economy 4G3W.

Then suppose your economic life with an investment's substitute to make added value without risk. Because you, me and the others with our personalized-webliving-savings, folks linking money-to-money for much-more-money and the think is resolved as asked by Obama. Do you know better choice ? If yes, please informe.



What I would ask #AskObama

Mr. President why do not challenge Google about datevaluation infrastruture giving folks an investment's substitute to make added value over personalized-webliving-savings ?

The thing "#obamadepending" will allow under regulations of US Admnistration a new economic space for yieding wealth upgrading the ending Classic Economy.

Cheers Dear President !


What is Bernanke's sudden financial crisis ?

Thinking about "wrong tools" for lowering debts Ben Bernanke do not agree with Obama and US Congress.

Worst is that Bernanke doesn't indicate what is the good recipe to resolve USA's and world's financial problems.

Do evaluate and understand what is the meaning of the money datevaluation, the value of folks linking money practice mutating from the Classic Economy and giving place for Economy 4G3W and it exercice.

Making added value on internet's era. For today and tomorrow. Because we need Personalized-Webliving-Savings. Shifting financial pumps. Giving folks the option to input money directly at the FED, then from there to Commercial Banks. Making lifting on our financial system. Yes. For universocial wellbeing.

Dont be afraid, Googledepending and Obamadepending recipe is ready to serve.


The bank is closed! Well, I'll make the payment via Smartphone!

Long time no see people. Have you noticed how much online banking sites are now trying to get clients?

No, it is not scam nor phishing (Obviously they exists, but the majority of sites are for real), it is the new form of banking, the new form of ensuring clients is here: You guarantee them a 24/7 open bank with full access, no-money carrying, faster transactions, full access to your account everywhere, a virtual postion which you can control automatically, online investment (and control of those) and a lot of security (At least, more than city banks and really, a lot safer than banks in Argentina where a pregnant mother was shot losing her baby on a bank robbery last year).

So this may be our previous step for what we are promoting. Think about it, Saxo Bank (For Example) provides you an online investment simulator machine and as if that help could be little, they offer assistance on many languages. That's the offer: "Come with me, be my client, don't worry I will teach you anything you don't know, I will assist you on everything at any time, any day, on any language and you'll grow up, we may even tell you where to place your money for growing together". For sure Saxo (As an example, I do not belong to them) will help their users as other banks do and then, making investments together for expanding both the bank and the services they can afford to improve user assistance and their later success.

Don't forget also, they are all banks and for sure will receive a lot more earnings than you on your own business. To this point, all but the last sentence is beautiful... What could happen if I offer you the same benefits, the same earning (and more), training on forex and all banking-related, automated and portable systems (For your comfort, from your MousePhone or Smartphone you can build your own WebCashMotor) online cash (not tangible) and a chance of raising your account (That we may call WebCashAccount) and your patrimony (webparcels) to levels you may not imagine (and larger multipliers!) just for... let's say... FREE?
What could happen then?

Any idea? Any doubts? Don't doubt. The online business is now.

Find out more, the WuW Team is working hard for making it real.


Give folks a machine to create added value

In our Classic Economy we have to pass by investment practice when we pretend to create added value. The problem is the risk and folks have to let investment actions for experts.And even experts can insure more value as a result of investment.

So President Obama will consider the launch of datevaluation practice as fourth economic option which upgrade on to Economy 4G3W. Giving to everyone a free and personal Webcashmotor,

Because for the money datevaluation getting added value with webcashmatic results linking money to money for much more money and people going wellbeing up.



Your botcash is waiting for your President

Because the link money-at-money is the cash-sharing-cash connection created by a datevalors person like you or me, using his own and personal webcashmotor for the datevaluation of the bank money by 10 €uros parcels each one, each time. And that is Googledepending and Obamadepending.

By that created link, each 10€uros  is shifted  into 1 "Owndated Webquantum" property of personalized money under dynamic live-savings on cashkeeping mode . Any OW is running for added values of free production factors  organized at WUW The Webcash_Universocial_Web.

The money-at-money link is a self-pushed-pipe for cashput_cashcall use with the Universocial_Cash_Fund at Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor (U_S_Anchor).

The detail of the required  materials for datevaluation into each money link is :

- 1 webcashmotor ownership or WUW datevalors registered as webjurisperson 4G3W ;
- 1 unit of 10€uros of bank money personalized by WUW registered webcashmotor ;
- 1 automatic web time position of the Owndated Webquantum created to share by cellcashproduction_cellcashresults.

Any Owndated Webquantum is accounted in a  WUW dynamic webcashaccount, the datevalors account which flash detail position will show his  Selfmarked_WUW_ Space with all added-value counters .

Both President Obama for regulation and Google for tech structure, they have to upgrade the Classic Economy into a datevaluation provided Economy 4G3W. For you and me. For folks wellbeing.

Google Offices


How to pay US Gross National Debt

The Gross National Debt

Classic Economy is going pushing folks out of economic results, because financial system don't share added value results.

That's why we need  to upgrade with Gool-Bama-Cash recipe liking money-to-money, for much-more-money.

Because the launch of the Universocial Cash Economy may resolve with the folks creation of Personalized-Webliving-Savings by Personal Webcashmotor 4G3W.

The Gross National Debt

The thing is in Googledepending challenge.

Ask Obamadepending regulations. Think about for Finantial Reform Act guaranted performance.


Solo-per-Te - Windows Live

Solo-per-Te - Windows Live

Financial crisis are not promoted

Risks promoting another financial crisis are an sistemic disease of Classic Economy which is still running without a new practice using an investment's substitute. Because the fields for folks economic action are reduced from 3 (consumption, savings, investment) to 1 (consumption).

Solution is in proposed challenge Googledepending and Obamadepending for the launch of the universocial practice of the money datevaluation.

Giving folks a personal motor-for-savings (Webcashmotor 4G3W) for the free constitution of Personalized Webliving Savings, dynamic savings sharing cash production for daily multiplied cash results.

Then you-do-mark-your-money linking money parcels and your economic performance go up forever.



U_S_A Financial Anchor

The Financial Reform will give folks a personal webcashmotor for linking money-to-U_S_A and yielding wealth with an investment's substitute like the money datevaluation.

The thing will overcome because President Obama said : The bill will "protect consumers and lay the foundation for a stronger and safer financial system, one that is innovative, creative, competitive, and far less prone to panic and collapse."

We can link 10€ parcels to the 1 trillion Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor to share cash production for daily multiplied cash results. Needs and hopes must be covered in Cashkeeping Modus, that's all.


Pills for Bank Stress Tests

Stress test exercice may serve like pills to cover disease osteoporosis which affects our financial structure.

Because FSE-Financial Stability Board statements are big lifts to sky.
The problem is that folks needs and wants are much more granitic than EU-wide stress tests. And much more dynamic than Committee of European Banking Supervisors.

That's why we need live savings in web dynamics. Personalized webliving savings, if you please. Just linking money for much more money. By free personal webcashmotor.

So ask the President to start with Gool-Bama-Cash financial recipe to resolve crisis earning time. Because it's time to sell faster savings. And to upgrade our Classic Economy you have to respect that in economics it's not the same to save now or make it latter.
Quintura for Gool-Bama-Cash


Geithner open Barrosoinviting accounting secrets

13 months ago we was at G-20 London Summit. Now Timothy Geithner is cashing call.

Today in tie financial crisis it would be time to give folks a motor-for-savings. Barrosoinviting to stop with accounting secrets.

Let people start yielding wealth through communication motors into the web-date-valuation. Web datevaluation, gool-bama-cash obamadepending or Universocial Cash Economy in googledepending structure.

Because everybody like to share cash results. Because wants, hopes and needs.

And whether you need folks cash resources, let's link money-to-money sharing bank-financial power into dynamic and personalized webliving-savings. Yes, it is a solution to resolve the world financial crisis. More, it is for.universocial.wellbeing.


Use different for Financial Reform

Yes because Magical Mirror anamorphosis is useful to shif from 2 dimensions into 3.

Gool-Bama-Cash is for upgrading the Classic Economy from 3 dimensions into 4.

Personal webcashmotor 4G3W is a magical financial device. Let President use different and go to Universocial Cash Economy.



Changing capital pumps to reform

Go to target, President said.

Please use Gool-Bama-Cash.

Make a Financial Reform handling changes in cash stream money pumps.

Dont you see that our Classic Bank System suppose pipes for cash stream going from:

1. Central Bank, printing money and controling rates ;
2. Private Banks, distribution, accounting by debt/credit and rates mix for financial recipes ;
3. Public use. Folks can't save anymore. And the investment is for experts.

Please reform by law and regulation for the use of new capital pumps and progressive financial compressor.To solve crisis for.universocial.wellbeing :

1. Folks creation of Personalized-Webliving-Savings (i-savings) linking money at Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor at FED/W3C/Google;
2. Central Bank using Fed's cash-stream-compressor to distribute TOW (tagvaporated OW capital);
3. Private Banks, adding one more function for folks independent shift i-savings/money money.

That's all.

You may go, because United We Serve.

Online Advertising


A full stomach slows down the war

Cash cashing results from your dynamic savings.

Are you making results from your savings ?

Yes because when folks were making results from savings, Economy will do better. Upgrading by better savings. Faster savings. Personalized savings in continuous deployement for making results.With Googledepending_Inflation_Compressor to make live.For free day.

We can do that and resolve. Stopping crisis forever. Thus listen to 1st. lady Michelle's slogan : UWS. Because United_We_Serve.

It could be the learned target of Obama's economic recipe when to (his_her_yours_my_them) impulse for financial reform.

Revolving to you, bank-financial power.

Yes, Gool-Bama-Cash is able to give you results. Because it is your financial fast food.
@You-Twitter@Me-@filipe27, #gool-bama-cash


American Dream have to become universocial reality


Because we may agree with Arianna Huffington  in her last post about "...: The Real Wall Street Crime".
Yes. The reorganization of our financial system goes far beyond the upcoming debate on new financial regulations.
But. How can the Treasury, the Fed, and the National Economic Council start to bet on the launch of the money datevaluation practice to resolve by "gool-bama-cash" financial recipe ?
How can the ECB, G-8 or G-20, Russia, China, India, Japan, Brazil and so Nigeria and so Arabia or France, all smart brains arrange new practice to upgrade our ending Classic Economy ?

Who has the solution to resolve money issues to push folks wellbeing ?

We are proposing the launch of the practice of investment's substitute, besides the classic investment, consumption actions and classic savings. Upgrading from 3 to 4 economic practices for overall economic result. Enlarging wealth culture into a new space. The Self-Marked-Own-Dated-Webspace. Letting folks making Gool-Bama-Cash personalized use to create added value. To resolve needs and wants. To resolve hopes.

Can The Huffington Post, and Arianna Huffington, accept the challenge coming on Google Wave Webcashmotor Robot 4G3W ?
At WUWteam4G3W we would tonify by Ariannaendorsing, besides Googledepending, Obamadepending and Barrosoinvinting.

For kickoff . With Android shifting credit assets into assets in personalized property. By Nexus One, linking money-to-money, would be.

Do you believe Arianna ?


Googledepending material for financial stability

Gool-Bama-Cash is not more than a financial recipe  for dealing with crisis and stopping them.

Because the recipe contains the "modus operandis" and the tool for crisis management of our Classic Economy.

Implementation requirements for perfect succes, is depending of adoption of President Obama for the job and kickoff of US Admnistration. Lifted by Google Structure.

The source of our economic and financial recipe is the human nature for satisfaction of needs, hopes and wants. It singularity is the inclusion of the money datevaluation practice. For results.

Giving to everyone a robot for android cash production. Creating on folks motivation for going up forever. Returning each one the possibility to keep his personal bank-financial power. Letting share added values for full collaboration.


Creating enough added value from savings practice.

Yes because savings role in the Classic Economy is reduced into non-reproductive reserve, dying with pills for sleep which are under interest rate form.

Worst is that whether to make savings is a bad performance for the personal results day by day, and if to make investments is a big risk for non-experts, folks like you and me we are reduced to consumption acts.

If you follow FED's advising lights, you understand that Classic Economy is ending because it is not able to move results.

We must find a riskless investment's substitute like it may be the money datevaluation practice.

At WUWteam4G3W we are proposing for Google on Googledepending technical structure and proposing for President Barak Hussein Obama on US Admnistration laws and regulations, the Gool-Bama-Cash financial recipe which involves the folks creation of Personalized-Webliving-Savings to create enough added value. To cover folks personal yielding wealth needs and hopes and to create a solution for Treasury Debts putting off the idea of dead savings as economic fun-d-mentals.

As Author in Economy 4G3W, knowledge-sharing-knowledge, we are looking for collaboration to launch the upgrade for our Economy.

By hastags, #datevaluation, #linking money, #economy 4G3W, #KMers and #Innochat with Buzz and Twitter we may have a chance to share creative commons rights.